Colleen Kennedy, Ph.D.
Licensed Clinical Psychologist
Offering In-person and Virtual Sessions

Is your journey through college or graduate school leaving you feeling exhausted and full of stress and worry? Do you set your achievement bar so high that you feel like you're never quite good enough? Do you secretly feel like a fraud, and that don't deserve to be at the school you are attending? Do you feel uncertain or have doubts about your future career? This overwhelming distress may leave you feeling unmotivated, unfocussed and feeling like you have a lack of direction and purpose in life.
You may be thinking:
I’m not good enough.
I’m not smart enough.
Everyone is judging me.
I have no control over my life.
How will I ever succeed?
Focusing on the future can lead to a mountain of "what if’s":
What if I don’t have a high enough GPA…..
What if I don’t get into the graduate school of my dreams……
What if I never find a job.....
What if I don’t succeed at the career I've chosen…..
You may be asking yourself:
Who am I and where am I going?
What is my purpose in life?
School, work, activities, planning for the future, and just trying to fit in while discovering who you are as a person can leave you feeling:
Stressed Out
These are not uncommon feelings when you are pursuing a higher academic degree.
Life can feel very overwhelming!

I provide individual therapy to help you feel more optimistic, empowered, self-assured, while helping you develop skills to be more compassionate towards yourself, connected to friends and family, and academically and personally successful.
Contact me to schedule a free 15 minute consultation today!